Product Center
+Rapid Test Kit
- Fertility
- Drug of Abuse
- Tumor Marker
- Cardiac Markers
- Infectious Diseases
- Sexualty Transmitted Disease
+Research Elisa Kit
- Rat Elisa Kit
- Duck Elisa Kit
- Deer Elisa Kit
- Goat Elisa Kit
- Camel Elisa Kit
- Human Elisa Kit
- Mouse Elisa Kit
- Rabbit Elisa Kit
- Bovine Elisa Kit
- Sheep Elisa Kit
- Equine Elisa Kit
- Monkey Elisa Kit
- Hamster Elisa Kit
- Porcine Elisa Kit
- Chicken Elisa Kit
- Guinea Pig Elisa Kit
- Nude Mouse Elisa Kit
+Diagnostic Elisa Kit
+Lab Equipment
Product NameCode
- Porcine growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH ELISA KitEKPR-0108
- Porcine telomerase,TE ELISA KitEKPR-0107
- Porcine Interferon γ ,IFN-γ ELISA KitEKPR-0106
- Porcine hepatocyte growth factor,HGF ELISA KitEKPR-0105
- Porcine Testoterone,T ELISA KitEKPR-0104
- Porcine matrix metalloproteinase 9,MMP-9 ELISA KitEKPR-0103
- Porcine tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 1,TIMP-1 ELISEKPR-0102
- Porcine Keratinocyte Growth Factor,KGF ELISA KitEKPR-0101
- Porcine macrophage inflammatory protein 1α,MIP-1α ELISA KitEKPR-0100
- Porcine soluble Vascuolar cell adhesion molecules 1,sVCAM-1 EKPR-0099
- Porcine Immunoglobulin E,IgE ELISA KitEKPR-0098
- Porcine Immunoglobulin G,IgG ELISA KitEKPR-0097
- Porcine Immunoglobulin M,IgM ELISA KitEKPR-0096
- Porcine endothelin 1,ET-1 ELISA KitEKPR-0095
- Porcine brain natriuretic peptide,BNP ELISA KitEKPR-0094
- Porcine Cortisol ELISA KitEKPR-0093
- Porcine Corticosterone,CORT ELISA KitEKPR-0092
- Porcine growth hormone,GH ELISA KitEKPR-0091
- Porcine Somatostatin,SS ELISA KitEKPR-0090
- Porcine Leptin,LEP ELISA KitEKPR-0089