Product Center
+Rapid Test Kit
- Fertility
- Drug of Abuse
- Tumor Marker
- Cardiac Markers
- Infectious Diseases
- Sexualty Transmitted Disease
+Research Elisa Kit
- Rat Elisa Kit
- Duck Elisa Kit
- Deer Elisa Kit
- Goat Elisa Kit
- Camel Elisa Kit
- Human Elisa Kit
- Mouse Elisa Kit
- Rabbit Elisa Kit
- Bovine Elisa Kit
- Sheep Elisa Kit
- Equine Elisa Kit
- Monkey Elisa Kit
- Hamster Elisa Kit
- Porcine Elisa Kit
- Chicken Elisa Kit
- Guinea Pig Elisa Kit
- Nude Mouse Elisa Kit
+Diagnostic Elisa Kit
+Lab Equipment
Product NameCode
- Mouse thrombin-antithrombin complex,TAT ELISA KitEKMOU-0408
- Mouse β-galactosidase,βGAL ELISA Kit EKMOU-0288
- Mouse secretory immunoglobulin A,sIgA ELISA KitEKMOU-0416
- Mouse anti-thrombin receptor,ATR ELISA KitEKMOU-0409
- Mouse Epinephrine/Adrenaline,EPI ELISA KitEKMOU-0289
- Mouse heme oxygenase 2,HO-2 ELISA KitEKMOU-0417
- Mouse thrombin receptor,TR ELISA KitEKMOU-0410
- Mouse β mannosidase,β Manase ELISA Kit EKMOU-0290
- Mouse Crosslaps,Cr ELISA KitEKMOU-0418
- Mouse cardiac troponin Ⅰ,cTn-Ⅰ ELISA KitEKMOU-0411
- Mouse myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody IgEKMOU-0291
- mouse follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH ELISA KitEKMOU-0419
- Mouse Phosphotylinosital 3 kinase,PI3K ELISA KitEKMOU-0412
- Mouse β-Lactamase inhibitors,BLI ELISA KitEKMOU-0292
- Mouse cross-linked C-telopeptides of Type Ⅰ collagen,CⅠCP ELEKMOU-0420
- Mouse β-hexosaminidase A,β-Hex A ELISA Kit EKMOU-0285
- mouse Beta-Endorphin,β-EP ELISA KitEKMOU-0413
- Mouse nitric oxide,NO ELISA KitEKMOU-0293
- Mouse deoxypyridinoline,DPD ELISA KitEKMOU-0421
- Mouse Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein A,SP-A ELISA KEKMOU-0286